When I firsts started making bowls, I told myself I'd take a picture of every bowl I made, but that didn't happen, perhaps unsurprisingly. Here are the ones I remembered to take pictures of.

First bowl I made, just trying to figure out how to use the lathe. It's cracked and has screw holes in the bottom, but it's still on my desk. It's made of mulberry I got free from someone on NextDoor.


Another mulberry bowl. This one is on my desk at work.


Mulberry again. First time playing around with adding a foot to the bottom or a beaded edge.


More mulberry firewood. I like the star shaped crack on the side.


Pecan wood bowl. It has a nice two tone color.


This one was redgum. Nice deep red color.


More mulberry firewood.


Maple. Definitely the ugliest bowl I've ever made. Later on I cut off the top flared ring and it looks a little better, but it should probably still go in the trash.


Left bowl is apricot, which has a sizable bark piece stuck in there. Back right is pecan and front right is cherry.


A 4th bowl plus the previous three. The new one is cherry I think, though it could be apricot. I'm not 100% sure.


Top view of the previous 4.


This one is cedar (though really some kind of juniper).


I'm not sure what kind of wood this is. Maybe more mulberry? I got a section of wood from a friend's neighbor who was cutting down a tree and I didn't ask.


I'm not certain what these are either. Cherry or apricot most likely.


These are bradford pear. A coworker gave me a couple logs and I made 10 bowls, but obviously didn't take pictures of all of them.


This one is also bradford pear. One of the logs had a mysterious dark brown section, which was interesting.


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